TAGANA tidak akan pernah lupa dengan tugasnya sebagai satuan tugas khusus dalam penanggulangan bencana, walupun siang ataupun malam tidak pernah ada beda dalam membantu sesama dengan tujuan mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara yang berlandaskan PANCASILA. Majulah terus saudara-saudaraku dan kobarkan api semangatmu.......!!!

Sabtu, 04 September 2010


The Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research (CIDIR) was founded in 2008 as a result of cooperation among three institutions in the University of Tokyo: the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, the Earthquake Research Institute and the Institute of Industrial Science. Intending to open new horizons in comprehensive information research on disaster prevention, CIDIR combines research fields such as economics, sociology, psychology, seismology, volcanology, disaster prevention engineering, socio-information studies and communication studies, CIDIR is creating an active disaster prevention network of researchers at the University of Tokyo. CIDIR aims to be a new research institute which functions as a hub for cooperation among researchers, government, private business, mass media and NPOs.

The primary mission of CIDIR is to reduce disaster loss through the application of information studies. The Japanese Archipelago is thought to be entering into a period of increased seismic activity. Moreover the effects of global warming will lead to an increase in large-scale typhoons. These changes require a new approach to disaster management and the role of information studies is becoming highly important. Studies on disaster assessment, advance forecasts, early warning, evacuation information and social recovery systems are motivated in terms of reducing both human and economic loss.

Creatted By : Jibiki Yasuhito

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